Expo Real: Daily Trade Fair newspaper

Daily Trade Fair newspaper

Produced locally and printed regionally: our trade fair newspaper for Expo Real. The popular trade fair medium has been impressing readers for many years with its high information and entertainment value. On the first and second day of the fair you will find the newspapers on and around the exhibition grounds.

Published on all days of the trade fair: 7/8/9 October 2024 as an ePaper and on the 1st and 2nd day of the trade fair in printed form

Deadline for advertising and print material: September, 18th 2024
(Technical specs can be found here)

Benefit from the high circulation and distribution of approx. 56,500 copies (publisher's information): Whether at the fair or in the car parks - there is no way around our fair newspaper!

Our offer: 1 price for 3 issues - pay once and appear in all three issues.

Special formats

You can download the current price list here.

All articles and photos of the Immobilien Zeitung are protected by copyright. The use, reproduction and distribution is subject to a fee and only permitted with the written consent of the publisher. The fees and conditions can be found here.

Feel free to contact us!
